Eng. Maan Alothimeen
General Manager - Supply Chain and Business Support, National Housing Company (NHC)
Saudi Arabia
Maan Alothimeen is managing the supply chain and business support function at NHC. Mr. Al Othimeen graduated from KSU in Saudi Arabia with a bachelor's degree from Architecture and Planning College in the Urban Design Field.
Then Mr. Al Othimeen Joined NHC in 2017 to lead the Procurement Role for NHC and MOMRAH projects, which is a mega project linked directly with the Saudi 2023 vision. From 2017 until today, NHC has spent over 200B Saudi Riyal directly and indirectly.
Mr. Al Othimeen was classified and Qualified with Global license related to Procurement and Contracts by American Purchasing Society and International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute for CPP, CPPM, CICCM, CISCM.